Trapeze static (stainless steel)

324 $408 $

  • Ropes: 100% cotton (Ф-26 mm).
  • Rod: stainless steel rod (f-25 mm).
  • Rod weight: 3 kg.
  • Rod length, rope spacing and rope length on request!
  • The rigging is sold separately.
  • Breaking Load Limit (BLL): 1450 kg.
  • Working Load Limit (WLL): 145 kg.
  • Workload factor: 10
  • Breaking Load Certificate
  • Passport Example
SKU: N/A Category:


Trapeze for aerial gymnastics

Stainless steel static Trapeze by Circus For You.

A static trapeze is used by aerialists for solo work or for pair work.

  • The bar is made of stainless steel rod with a diameter of 25 mm. The length of the rod is 75 cm or on request.
  • Three-strand cotton ropes are braided using the mooring method.
  • We moor the free ends of the ropes, mount steel thimbles and thread carabiners.
  • Carabiners can be selected according to the budget from economy options to branded professional ones.
  • Carabiners are installed initially before the mooring of the ropes and then it will not be possible to remove them. Therefore, we recommend that you approach the choice of carbines consciously.

We do not weave steel cable into ropes

– for a static trapeze this is not necessary. Breaking load of cotton rope f 26 mm. – up to 2 tons. This is quite enough to work even in pairs. The steel rope can also rust over time from high humidity, break and fray the cotton rope. It is also an additional cost of money and time. If over time you need to replace the ropes, change the length, color – then, with a steel cable, it will be very problematic and costly.

Rope replacement

Cotton rope can rub over time and lose its technical and aesthetic properties. This is especially true of the white rope, which absorbs moisture and dirt well. Therefore, we offer to contact us if the ropes have become unusable. This procedure is done quickly and inexpensively, since all the metal elements are preserved and only the ropes themselves are changed. So you will always have a new trapeze.


  • Stainless steel rod – 1 pc.
  • Cotton rope Ф 26 mm, three-strand, moored – 2 pcs.

For a complete suspension of the trapeze you will need::

  • Triangle – a steel triangular plate with holes at the corners.
  • Swivel – a rotation machine for working in a twist and preventing the hanging sling from twisting.
  • Carabiners – for hanging a trapeze to a hanging sling.


Additional information


2 m, 2.5m, 3 m, 3.5 m, 4 m, 4.5 m, 5 m, 6 m


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